Terms and Condition

1. Introduction

1.1. Welcome to Citinow (“Website”). These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), along with the referenced documents, govern your use of our Website and associated services (collectively referred to as “Service”). As the top online casino in Singapore, we strive to provide a safe and enjoyable gaming experience.

1.2. Please read these Terms carefully. They outline your rights, obligations, and constitute a legally binding agreement between you (“Customer”) and Citinow Holdings (“Company”).

1.3. By accessing and using the Website or the Service, you agree to these Terms. If you do not agree, please refrain from using our Website or Service.

1.4. The Service is owned and operated by Citinow Holdings.

2. General Terms

2.1. We may update these Terms at our discretion. It is your responsibility to review them periodically. Continued use of the Service after amendments signifies your acceptance of the changes.

2.2. If you disagree with any modifications, you must stop using the Service immediately. Pre-existing bets will remain subject to the Terms that were in effect at the time the bet was placed.

3. Customer Obligations

3.1. By using the Service, you confirm that:

  • You are at least 18 years old or of legal gambling age in your jurisdiction.

  • You have the legal capacity to form a binding agreement.

  • You reside in a jurisdiction that permits online gambling.

  • You are not using any location-masking tools, such as VPNs.

  • You are the authorized user of your payment method.

  • Payments to us are made in good faith.

  • You acknowledge the possibility of losses from bets.

  • You will not use any illicitly obtained information for betting purposes.

  • You are betting for personal, non-commercial reasons.

  • You will not attempt to manipulate or undermine the Service.

4. Restricted Use

4.1. You must not:

  • Use the Service if you are underage or in a jurisdiction where online gambling is prohibited.

  • Harvest or collect user information.

  • Disrupt the Service or its users.

  • Advertise or promote products without authorization.

  • Cheat or collaborate with others to gain an unfair advantage.

  • Transfer funds between accounts.

  • Sell or transfer your account to another party.

4.2. The following countries are restricted from using our Service:

  • United States of America and its territories

  • France and its territories

  • Netherlands and its territories, including Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba, Aruba, Curacao, and Sint Maarten

  • Australia and its territories

  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • Spain

  • Cyprus

4.3. Violating these restrictions may result in the termination of your account and legal action.

5. Registration

5.1. To use the Service, you must complete our registration form and accept these Terms.

5.2. Ensure that your contact details, especially your email address, are accurate and kept up-to-date.

5.3. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. We are not liable for unauthorized activities on your account.

5.4. You are allowed only one account. Creating multiple accounts will result in immediate closure of all accounts.

6. Account Management

6.1. We do not offer credit.

6.2. We may close or suspend accounts that breach these Terms or for operational reasons.

6.3. Funds mistakenly credited to your account remain our property.

6.4. Notify us immediately of any discrepancies or unauthorized activities in your account.

7. Inactive Accounts

7.1. Accounts that remain inactive for 12 months or more will incur a monthly fee, determined by the currency of the account and set by us.

8. Deposit of Funds

8.1. All deposits must be made from an account or payment method registered in your name.

8.2. We use third-party processors for transactions. You must comply with their terms.

8.3. Deposits will only be credited to your account upon approval by the payment issuer.

9. Withdrawal of Funds

9.1. Withdrawals must comply with our withdrawal conditions.

9.2. Identity verification may be required for withdrawals.

9.3. Withdrawals will revert to the original payment method unless specified otherwise.

10. Payment Transactions

10.1. You are responsible for all transactions on your account. Reversed or fraudulent payments may result in account suspension and legal actions.

10.2. We reserve the right to use third-party payment processors.

11. Errors

11.1. Errors or system malfunctions that affect betting outcomes will render those bets void. Report any system errors immediately.

11.2. Bets placed due to erroneous odds or system malfunctions may be revoked.

12. Rules of Play

12.1. Sport-specific rules take precedence over general rules.

12.2. Results are final 72 hours after posting.

12.3. Bets will be refunded for matches with results overturned within the payout period.

12.4. We reserve the right to remove or modify events and markets.

12.5. Detailed sports betting rules are available on our separate page: [SPORTS BETTING RULES]

13. Communications and Notices

13.1. All communications and notices you send to us under these Terms must be sent using the Customer Support form on the Website.

13.2. All communications and notices we send to you under these Terms will be posted on the Website and/or sent to the registered email address associated with your account. The method of communication is at our sole discretion.

13.3. All communications and notices must be in writing in the English language unless otherwise specified.

13.4. We may occasionally contact you by email to provide information about betting, unique promotional offers, and other information from Citinow. By agreeing to these Terms, you consent to receive such emails. You can opt out at any time by submitting a request to Customer Support.

14. Matters Beyond Our Control

We are not liable for any failure or delay in providing the Service due to events beyond our control, such as acts of God, labor disputes, power outages, governmental actions, or telecommunications failures. In such cases, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the Service without incurring any liability.

15. Liability

15.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we will not compensate you for any reasonably foreseeable loss or damage (either direct or indirect) you may suffer if we fail to carry out our obligations under these terms unless we breach any duties imposed on us by law (including if we cause death or personal injury by our negligence) in which case we shall not be liable to you if that failure is attributed to:

  • i. your own fault;

  • ii. a third party unconnected with our performance of these terms (for instance problems due to communications network performance, congestion, and connectivity or the performance of your computer equipment); or

  • iii. any other events which neither we nor our suppliers could have foreseen or forestalled even if we or they had taken reasonable care. As this service is for consumer use only we will not be liable for any business losses of any kind.

15.2. In the event that we are held liable for any event under these terms, our total aggregate liability to you under or in connection with these terms shall not exceed

  • i. the value of the bets and or wagers you placed via your account in respect of the relevant bet/wager or product that gave rise to the relevant liability, or

  • ii. eur €500 in aggregate, whichever is lower.

15.3. We strongly recommend that you:

  • i. take care to verify the suitability and compatibility of the service with your own computer equipment prior to use; and

  • ii. take reasonable precautions to protect yourself against harmful programs or devices including through installation of anti-virus software.

16. Gambling by Minors

16.1. If we suspect that you are or receive notification that you are currently under 18 years or were under 18 years (or below the age of majority as stipulated in the laws of the jurisdiction applicable to you) when you placed any bets through the Service your Account will be suspended (locked) to prevent you placing any further bets or making any withdrawals from your Account. We will then investigate the matter, including whether you have been betting as an agent for, or otherwise on behalf, of a person under 18 years (or below the age of majority as stipulated in the laws of the jurisdiction applicable to you). If having found that you:

  • i. are currently;

  • ii. were under 18 years or below the majority age which applies to you at the relevant time; or

  • iii. have been betting as an agent for or at the behest of a person under 18 years or below the majority age which applies:
    (i) all winnings currently or due to be credited to your Account will be retained;
    (ii) all winnings gained from betting through the Service whilst under age must be paid to us on demand (if you fail to comply with this provision we will seek to recover all costs associated with recovery of such sums); and/or
    (iii) any monies deposited in your Citinow Account which are not winnings will be returned to you OR retained until you turn 18 years old at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to deduct payment transaction fees from the amount to return, including transaction fees for deposits to your Citinow account which we covered.

16.2. This condition applies even if you are over 18 but placed bets in a jurisdiction where the legal gambling age is higher.

16.3. We reserve the right to take any necessary action, including informing law enforcement, if we suspect a breach of this clause.

17. Fraud

We will pursue criminal and contractual sanctions against any Customer involved in fraud, dishonesty, or criminal acts. Payments will be withheld if fraud is suspected, and the Customer will be liable for all costs and losses incurred by us due to such actions.

18. Intellectual Property

18.1. The Citinow name and logo are registered trademarks, and any unauthorized use may result in legal action.

  • i. The Citinow uniform resource locator (URL) is owned by us and no unauthorised use of the URL is permitted on another website or digital platform without our prior written consent.

18.2. As the top online casino in Singapore, we own all rights to the Service, including technology, software, and systems.

  • i. you must not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser); and

  • ii. when selecting a nickname for your Account we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe it appropriate.

18.3. You may not use our trademarks, trade names, or logos in connection with any product or service that is not ours or that may cause confusion among customers or the public.

19. Your License

19.1. We grant you a non-exclusive, limited license to access and use the Service for personal, non-commercial purposes only. This license terminates if our agreement ends.

19.2. You may not modify, publish, transfer, sell, or exploit the Service or its content except as expressly permitted by us.

19.3. Non-compliance with this clause may result in legal action.

20. Your Conduct and Safety

20.1. Enjoy the Service responsibly. Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Promoting false or misleading information

  • Engaging in illegal activities

  • Posting inappropriate or undesirable content

20.2. If you engage in Prohibited Behaviour, or we determine in our sole discretion that you are engaging in Prohibited Behaviour, your Citinow Account and/or your access to or use of the Service may be terminated immediately without notice to you. Legal action may be taken against you by another Customer, other third party, enforcement authorities and/or us with respect to you having engaged in Prohibited Behaviour.

20.3. Prohibited Behaviour includes, but is not limited to, accessing or using the Service to:

  • i. promote or share information that you know is false, misleading or unlawful;

  • ii.conduct any unlawful or illegal activity, such as, but not limited to, any activity that furthers or promotes any criminal activity or enterprise, provides instructional information about making or buying weapons, violates another Customer’s or any other third party’s privacy or other rights or that creates or spreads computer viruses;

  • iii.harm minors in any way;

  • iv. transmit or make available any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, lewd, violent, hateful, or racially or ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

  • v. transmit or make available any content that the user does not have a right to make available under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationship, including without limitation, any content that infringes a third party’s copyright, trademark or other intellectual property and proprietary rights;

  • vi.transmit or make available any content or material that contains any software virus or other computer or programming code (including HTML) designed to interrupt, destroy or alter the functionality of the Service, its presentation or any other website, computer software or hardware;

  • vii. interfere with, disrupt or reverse engineer the Service in any manner, including, without limitation, intercepting, emulating or redirecting the communication protocols used by us, creating or using cheats, mods or hacks or any other software designed to modify the Service, or using any software that intercepts or collects information from or through the Service;

  • viii. retrieve or index any information from the Service using any robot, spider or other automated mechanism;

  • viiii. participate in any activity or action that, in the sole and entire unfettered discretion of us results or may result in another Customer being defrauded or scammed;

  • x. transmit or make available any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or mass mailing such as, but not limited to, junk mail, instant messaging, “spim”, “spam”, chain letters, pyramid schemes or other forms of solicitations;

  • xi.create Citinow Accounts on the Website by automated means or under false or fraudulent pretences;

  • xii. impersonate another Customer or any other third party, or

  • xiii. any other act or thing done that we reasonably consider to be contrary to our business principles.

The above list of Prohibited Behaviour is not exhaustive and may be modified by us at any time or from time to time. If you become aware of the misuse of the service by another Customer or any other person, please contact us through the “Contact Us” section of the Website. We reserve the right to investigate and to take all such actions as we in our sole discretion deem appropriate or necessary under the circumstances, including without limitation deleting the Customer’s posting(s) from the Service and/or terminating their Account, and take any action against any Customer or third party who directly or indirectly in, or knowingly permits any third party to directly or indirectly engage in Prohibited Behaviour, with or without notice to such Customer or third party.

21. Links to Other Websites

The Service may contain links to third party websites that are not maintained by, or related to, us, and over which we have no control. Links to such websites are provided solely as a convenience to Customers, and are in no way investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy or completeness by us. Links to such websites do not imply any endorsement by us of, and/or any affiliation with, the linked websites or their content or their owner(s). We have no control over or responsibility for the availability nor their accuracy, completeness, accessibility and usefulness. Accordingly when accessing such websites we recommend that you should take the usual precautions when visiting a new website including reviewing their privacy policy and terms of use.

22. Complaints

22.1. If you have any concerns or questions regarding these Terms you should contact our Customer Service Department via the links on the Website and use your Registered Email Address in all communication with us.

22.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we take no liability whatsoever to you or to any third party when responding to any complaint that we received or took action in connection therewith.

22.3. If a Customer is not satisfied with how a bet has been settled then the Customer should provide details of their grievance to our Customer Service Department via email at support@citinow.com. We shall use our reasonable endeavours to respond to queries of this nature within a few days (and in any event we intend to respond to all such queries within 28 days of receipt).

22.4. Disputes must be lodged within three (3) days from the date the wager in question has been decided. No claims will be honoured after this period. The Customer is solely responsible for their Account transactions. Complaints/disputes have to be sent to support@citinow.com and must be sent from the Customer’s Registered Email Address.

22.5. In the event of a dispute arising between you and us our Customer Service Department will attempt to reach an agreed solution. Should our Customer Service Department be unable to reach an agreed solution with you, the matter will be escalated to our management in accordance with our Complaints Procedure (available upon request).

23. Assignment

Neither these Terms nor any of the rights or obligations hereunder may be assigned by you without the prior written consent of us, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. We may, without your consent, assign all or any portion of our rights and obligations hereunder to any third party provided such third party is able to provide a service of substantially similar quality to the Service by posting written notice to this effect on the Service.

24. Severability

In the event that any provision of these Terms is deemed by any competent authority to be unenforceable or invalid, the relevant provision shall be modified to allow it to be enforced in line with the intention of the original text to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms shall not be affected.

25. Breach of These Terms

Without limiting our other remedies, we may suspend or terminate your Account and refuse to continue to provide you with the Service, in either case without giving you prior notice, if, in our reasonable opinion, you breach any material term of these Terms. Notice of any such action taken will, however, be promptly provided to you.

26. General Provisions

26.1. Term of agreement. These Terms shall remain in full force and effect while you access or use the Service or are a Customer or visitor of the Website. These Terms will survive the termination of your Citinow Account for any reason.

26.2. Gender. Words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa and words importing persons shall include individuals, partnerships, associations, trusts, unincorporated organisations and corporations.

26.3. Waiver. No waiver by us, whether by conduct or otherwise, of a breach or threatened breach by you of any term or condition of these Terms shall be effective against, or binding upon, us unless made in writing and duly signed by us, and, unless otherwise provided in the written waiver, shall be limited to the specific breach waived. The failure of us to enforce at any time any term or condition of these Terms shall not be construed to be a waiver of such provision or of the right of us to enforce such provision at any other time.

26.4. Headings. The division of these Terms into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only, and shall not affect or be utilised in the construction or interpretation of these Terms agreement. The terms “these Terms”, “hereof”, “hereunder” and similar expressions refer to these Terms and not to any particular paragraph or sub-paragraph or other portion hereof and include any agreement supplemental hereto. Unless the subject matter or context is inconsistent therewith, references herein to paragraphs and sub-paragraphs are to paragraphs and sub-paragraphs of these Terms.

26.5. Acknowledgement. By hereafter accessing or using the Service, you acknowledge having read, understood and agreed to each and every paragraph of these Terms. As a result, you hereby irrevocably waive any future argument, claim, demand or proceeding to the contrary of anything contained in these Terms.

26.6. Language. In the event of there being a discrepancy between the English language version of these rules and any other language version, the English language version will be deemed to be correct.

26.7. Entire agreement. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your access to and use of the Service, and supersedes all other prior agreements and communications, whether oral or written with respect to the subject matter hereof.

Betting Rules

Any dispute related to the sports betting product shall be emailed to: support@citinow.com

Casino Rules

Any dispute related to the casino product shall be emailed to: support@citinow.com
Complete casino rules can be accessed from within the casino games.


You hereby accept the fact that you have read, understood and are willing to abide by the above Terms and Conditions.